Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Hot times ahead

Well, it appears that it isn't simply a matter of freon.

A technician told Tegan yesterday afternoon that the problem with our air conditioner appears to be a compressor problem, which means a lot more money.

We need to go through our home warranty to try and reduce the overall costs, which means we need to use a separate company and it also means that no repairs will occur until Monday.

So, last night we ate dinner and took the kids to the community center pool for about an hour while the evening temperatures moderated a bit. Ariel had lots of fun, but apparently Ruth has developed an extreme fear of water since we last went to the pool. Over the weekend, she didn't want to go in our wading pool in the back yard, but I assumed that had more to do with it cold temperatures. But the rec center pool wasn't that cold.

We've got fans blowing around in the house and once the temperature drops a bit and the humidity goes down at night, the house fan helps circulate cooler air from outside. It was actually pleasant yesterday evening--much different from this past Saturday and Sunday.

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